February 17, 2024

Mosaic Fun

I've been trying out some software called Mazaika that creates mosaics using smaller images. The smaller images are Beer Bottle labels.

It's just the Trial Version of a program, but seems to work well. Here is my first attempt.

Also available from the site is a program called BG_ASCII (ASCII Image Program) and various libraries of images for Mazaika. These include:-
• Icon collection (1.17 Mb)
• 3500 CD/LP covers
• Collection of 3500+ different actor faces (Note - this collection is very good for mosaic with human faces as a main theme because all images in this collection are photos of human faces itself.)
• Collection of 3000+ amateur cat photos
• The Xmas and New Year cards library of 1500 images (1.5 Mb)
• Video tapes cover library of 950 images
• Beer bottle label library of 1800 images

Posted by Gadget17 at February 17, 2024 01:45 AM | Photography | TrackBack
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