March 09, 2003

Field Marshal Montgomery:

An article in one of last week's papers details a quote from 'Monty' as to his pre-requisites for war. I think they deserve repeating here.

1. A clear objective that is desirable to realise nationally.
2. The means and the will to realise this objective militarily.
3. The ability to ground the recourse to force legally.
4. The ability to defend that course of action at home and abroad, morally.

I wonder how many of these we can truthfully say yes to?

Posted by Ewan at March 9, 2003 06:52 PM
He can say yes to 2 as they are already going about it, nuts all chance to the others. Posted by: SwitchBlade on March 17, 2003 04:29 PM
Bonjour! Interesting thread. If you have time : Mark painting Posted by: painting on April 25, 2024 09:36 PM
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