March 12, 2003

De Niro - The Movie Links Game

I got a happy fright on the tube last week. Two people opposite me were playing De Niro. This lovely little movie game was taught to me by Joe Keenan, and I think I should post it up here for other people to enjoy - and perhaps have an online game, assuming we all promise not to use IMDB.

Okay, you start De Nero with 6 'lives,' each represented by the letters in De Nero. When you loose a life, you loose a letter. So 5 lives and you are "e Nero," 4 lives makes you "Nero," and so on until you are "o" and loose that last letter. Then you're out.

If you remember playing "Donkey" as a kid catching a ball and not dropping it, the lives work in the same way.

So, the first player starts (and you an have as many in the group as you want - the bigger the group the longer (and better) a game is). He (or she!) can name an actor, an actress, or a movie. Let's say Anna starts by saying "The Princess Bride."

Bob is second in the circle. He now has to name an actor or actress who appeared in Anna's film. Bob chooses "Carey Elwes." Charlie now has to name a film with "Carey Elwes." He chooses "Hot Shots!"

And so on and so on, until someone can't name an actor or a film. they loose a letter from De Nero, and start the next round with either a film or an actor (their choice).

One last rule - the challenge. If Derek (who was after Charlie in the example above) doesn't think Charlie knows any other actors in "Hot Shots" he can say Challenge. Now if Charlie can't name an actor, he looses a letter. But if he can, then Derek looses a letter.

So, it's time to play!

This is obviously related to "The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon," which I'll discuss shortly.

Posted by Ewan at March 12, 2003 05:56 PM
So, let's have a little game in the commentary section. Clint Eastwood Posted by: Ewan on March 13, 2003 04:10 PM
Dirty Harry Posted by: Vikki on March 13, 2003 09:28 PM
That'll be me on e Nero then. Bit before my time. Yes I tried cheating, and no I didn't recognise any other names in the film. Bah humbug.. oh well never mind. Challenge! Posted by: Rafe on March 14, 2003 02:41 AM
Nuts, that means I miss my go. Vikki, can you name someone else in Dirty Harry? Posted by: Ewan on March 14, 2003 02:17 PM
Argh ok, you got me there ;) I'm eNiro too. Let's start again with Reece Witherspoon Posted by: Vikki on March 14, 2003 08:58 PM
Pleasantville Posted by: JyriK on March 15, 2003 12:30 AM
Jeff Daniels Posted by: Ewan on March 16, 2003 10:04 AM
Dumb and Dumber Posted by: JyriK on March 16, 2003 02:45 PM
Jim Carrey Posted by: Jordan on March 16, 2003 08:58 PM
Ace Ventura - Pet Detective Posted by: Ewan on March 17, 2003 11:23 AM
Courteney Cox Posted by: JyriK on March 17, 2003 04:16 PM
Can I jump in and say "Scream"? Posted by: SwitchBlade on March 17, 2003 04:27 PM
Drew Barrymore Posted by: Ewan on March 18, 2003 09:50 AM
Freddy Got Fingered :D Posted by: Jordan on March 18, 2003 03:12 PM
Tom Green Posted by: JyriK on March 18, 2003 03:35 PM
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