March 03, 2003

Cbeebies Twilight Zone

Imagine living in Groundhog Day. Except rather than every day repeating itself, it's every 4 hours that repeats itself. That's the horrible premise of Cbeebies, the Digital Channel for the very young from the BBC.

Yes, thanks to a masterpiece of goldfish like reasoning, every 4 hours they loop the tape back and repeat exactly the same programs!

Imagine struggling through the Tweenies at 9am on a Sunday morning, heading out to the playpark, do a bit of shopping, come back for lunch and realise that ARGH! It's the same bloody episode starting again!!!

And it's not just the shows. The trailers they run between the program are also exactly the same and run in exactly the same place every day for months! "Where is everyone?" "Suprise!" "It's the Tweenies, next on Cbeebies." No really? I'd never have guessed.

I think proving Pavlov's Parents is just wrong.

Posted by Ewan at March 3, 2003 01:00 PM
your text "Search this site:" above the text box is rather unreadable ;) 'interesting' blogs you've got here ;) Posted by: Dazler on March 4, 2003 01:58 PM
well, your daughter likes it ;) Posted by: Vikki on March 13, 2003 09:29 PM
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