Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Wednesday, 2005-08-31


I made the fundamental mistake of not eating before getting to work with a guy from the mothership in CA, thereby probably making a pretty stupid mistake (jury’s still out on whether it’s fixable — I’m hoping for recent backups).

Los Angeles — Stockholm is pretty pessimal timezone-wise. There’s a tiny overlap (9 am in the US, 6 pm in Sweden) that makes it theoretically possible to work together and have conferences, but while one part is bright and early, the other is tired and wants to go home. Or hungry.

Lesson for next time: eat before working.

Update: by “pessimal” above, I didn’t mean that the overlap prevented working: rather, it encourages people to try to work by meetings and phone calls instead of recognizing the futility of this and trying something else, like email.

That said, sometimes you just have to talk to someone to sort things out… sigh.

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