Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category is about this weblog

Sunday, 2005-01-16

Under construction

I’m gonna do a pretty radical redesign (or undesign) of this blog.

As no-one reads this anyway I figured I could do the changes on the production sytem, rather than mess around with testing and staging.

So if it looks weird to you, this is the reason.

Update: done, for now. Some tweaking to do, but overall, I’m pretty happy.

The main points fixed are:

  • moved the sidebar to the foot of the HTML source. This means that the content will be shown before the nav stuff when using w3m, links, or lynx. The techniques in the article “Creating Liquid Layouts with Negative Margins” were used to accomplish this.

  • I’ve improved the semantics of the layout, with real h3 headings instead of just strong tags.

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