Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

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Wednesday, 2005-02-09

Throwing in the towel (nearly)

Michael nearly pulls the plug on his blog. Low-life spammers are responsible, of course. This actually makes me feel less bad about pulling comments from this blog. But it still sucks.

Clearly, something has to be done. I see a great need for a Bayesian filtering system for blog comments. This has worked wonders for my email spam, and is a really good weapon to have in your arsenal. But I haven’t seen anything like it yet, at least for Blosxom.

(Michael’s system, Movable Type, has its own problems with serving pages. But the base problem is the same.)

I’m thinking about writing my own comment submission form that’ll use SQLite or Berkeley DB to process the raw entries, apply Bayesian statistics to them, and present them nicely for moderation. Blosxom’s file-based layout has obvious drawbacks when it comes to rapidly handling lots of data from different angles.

When I’ll have time for that is another matter.

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