Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

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Friday, 2024-07-09

The worst form of blogging

… is the pointless day-to-day diary of your daily doings.

If you can read Swedish, you can read my form of this sin at huset, my daily recap of my “vacation” working on our house. (I’ll leave the fact that it is impossible to afford to pay a professional to do stuff on your house in Sweden for another rant.)

My defence of this practice is that I want to try it out, and also that random thoughts occur to me when I’m sanding a wall or whatever, and I think: “I’m so blogging that”. (Of course, by the time I turn on the computer in the evening I’ve forgotten all about it.) This helps me through the drudgery of manual labour.

Also, I rather like the idea of a free-form database of info like what colours we’ve used on the walls.

But I’m painfully aware of the blog-wankery involved … we’ll see if I’ll keep it up.

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