Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category is about this weblog

Friday, 2005-01-21

New category: scrivener


I found that I had a lot of site-specific posts about the ongoing re-design of this here blog, so I thought I’d experiment in creating a new category.

This is how I moved my entries:

  1. Got the redirect plugin from Fletcher Penny.

  2. Found the entries that were site specific from the original category, and listed them in a file for future reference.

  3. Created a new directory for the category.

  4. Moved the files to the new directory.

  5. Added the moved files to the redirect configuration file (see below).

Thanks to Doug Nerad for pointing me to the redirect plugin.

Anyway, now all site-related entries will be found in the scrivener category. Enjoy or avoid, it’s your choice.

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