Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

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Saturday, 2006-02-18

Minor feedback enhancements

I sat down and made some minor changes to Frank Hecker’s most excellent feedback plugin.

I “removed” the email option from the submit page. In the standard plugin, if someone submits an email address, it’s displayed and not obfuscated. I don’t feel that’s right. Even if I would say that the email is displayed, I doubt people would notice. And if they did notice, they’d demand that I do something about it. So now the option only reads “URL”, even though you basically can put any string there anyway.

I downloaded version 0.19 from Frank’s site, but a quick diff didn’t show any big changes. I’m going with my version (0.16) because if it ain’t broke, why fix it?

To continue an immortal Engadget neologism, props be to Frank for producing a plugin that easily enables comments in Blosxom.

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