Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category is about this weblog

Thursday, 2006-04-13

Blosxom: hiding category and archive pages from search engines

I’ve long been concerned that people finding my weblog via Google or other search engines get directed to my archive or category pages (like instead of the individual entries. A whole year’s postings may contain enough terms to lead people to it, even though the individual posts don’t.

This is annoying for users and wastes bandwidth. I didn’t know how to fix it until I found this article by Fazad Majil. It described my problem exactly and recommended putting the following meta tags in the <head> of the relevant pages:

<meta name="robots"
 content="noarchive,noindex,follow,nocache" />

This will allow the pages to be followed but not indexed or cached.

The problem was how to distinguish chronological archive and category pages from the main page or story pages. The solution was Barijaona Ramaholimihaso’s pagetype plugin. This gives you a variable you can check against with interpolate_fancy.

My head.html template now contains the following code:

<?$pagetype::pagetype like="(category|chrono)">
  <meta name="robots" content="noarchive,noindex,follow,nocache" />

I haven’t noticed a significant slowdown in traffic to the affected pages, but that will take some time.

Next up is getting “Previous” and “Next” links up to each story. Barijaona has a plugin for that too, prevnextstory, but I haven’t had time to implement it yet.

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