Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

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Sunday, 2005-01-23

First year anniversary

Today it’s been one year since I started blogging. My first post was a “review” of the Lord of the Rings. Since then I’ve written 49 capsule book reviews (one for each book I’ve read), used three different weblog packages (one homegrown, Movable Type, and now Blosxom) and basically bored more and more people each day.

It’s been fun until now, and I’m definitely keeping it up for a while. Resolutions include:

  • getting comments working while defending the blog against spam

  • learning more about Blosxom and helping out on the mailing list

  • maybe writing my own plugin (don’t know what it should do yet, though)

I’ll also try to write better about interesting stuff and less about blogging.

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