Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

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Saturday, 2005-01-15

Fiddling with CSS

I’m dinking around with a new CSS stylesheet. The changes will mostly be internal. I got my inspiration from Frank Hecker’s well-designed stylesheets, along with the pointer to the liquid 2-column layout detailed in A List Apart.

The first design for this blog was a OSWD design called Oggle. I found OSWD to be a great resource to get going with CSS, as you get something that you can start with and hack around until you’re happy. But ultimately the cut-and-paste without knowledge of what I was really doing started bothering me.

The design as it is now is usable, but not something I’m really happy with. I’ll try to fix things in the coming days.

(By the way, I think this is my 300th weblog post. Go me!)

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