Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

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Thursday, 2005-02-17

Automatic linkblogs

When it comes to maintaining this blog, I’m trying to stick to the DRY principle expounded in The Pragmatic Programmer (“don’t repeat yourself”). I’ve recently discovered, and it’s every bit as cool and tagalicious as everyone says.

It’s pointless to grab URLs and post them here as linkblog entries and then do the same thing on That service is way better than anything I could come up with, and it has an API. Keep it simple, and don’t repeat yourself.

To that end, I’ve spent a happy evening coding a little perl app that’ll grab the latest entries from my account. If they’re tagged with linkblog, they get posted here too. One place to enter the data. Maintaining it will be a bit different, there are some things, such as attributions, that can’t easily be handled in the interface. But I can always fix that later.

The app is not ready for prime time yet. I’ve based it more or less blatantly on this code but tweaked it for my setup. I’ll post a link when it’s finished.

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