Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Daily observations, more or less

Wednesday, 2006-01-25



Bara på DN Kultur kan man publicera en artikel på ett uppslag om att Ann Jäderlund lärt sig hantera sin dator.

Jag tyckte Ann Jäderlund var en sällsynt dålig diktare redan 1991. Det verkar inte ha blivit bättre, men är man ett namn så.  

Good haul from Bloglines this morning. However, as I can’t save posts from within Bloglines mobile, I have to resort to IRC:

08:44 <gusMobile> note to self: jim, coding horror, joel, atwood

I’ll write a post about the bug so I can get Bloglines working on fixing it.  


Is it possible to take dependency avoidance too far? Of course. The flip side of reducing dependencies too aggressively is the Lava Flow anti-pattern […]  

Testing the procmail setup, please ignore.  

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