Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Daily observations, more or less

Saturday, 2006-01-07


Engadget continues to pimp WiMax:

For our first time readers, WiMAX is a long-range wireless broadband standard that offers download speeds up to 300 Mbps, although the final specs have yet to be ratified. What this means for you, simply, is that the WiFi laptop you got for Christmas is already totally played out.

Yeah right. What about “the final specs have yet to be ratified”?

WiFi is here now, everywhere. WiMax is where? Korea?

(The above is not meant to be disparaging to Korea or Koreans.)  


Bakom en sådan hälsofascism och brist på respekt för det mänskliga behovet av egna traditioner anar man hisnande ångestdjup.  

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