Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Daily observations, more or less

Sunday, 2006-01-01


William Gibson:

[…] I have my poetic license right here, laminated, in my wallet.  

Caption on a pic for an article illustrating the dangers of prolonged listening to portable audio players:

Med ständig musik i öronen hör Siri Hjorton Wagner, 20, inte mycket av trafiken. I stället litar hon på sin skarpa blick. Det ständiga musiklyssnadet har gett henne tinnitus på ena örat. - Det är det värt, säger hon.

Source, Expressen, 2006-01-01.  


You want a good software engineering education? The final project should be to take some other kids’ project from last year and adapt it to do something he didn’t even consider. Then the result gets passed on to another kid next year. That would be an education!


Dave Walker:

10 There will be several dozen new OPML applications. None will interoperate in any meaningful fashion, and the developers will be forced to wear a scarlet “F” (for funky) on their shirts.  

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