Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains lyrics that have sometime meant something

Thursday, 2024-11-25

Reason to believe

<JimH_Taco> There's a dead fox on the track outside my window

Seen a man standin’ over
a dead dog lyin’ by the highway in a ditch
He’s lookin’ down kinda puzzled
pokin’ that dog with a stick
Got his car door flung open
he’s standin’ out on Highway 31
Like if he stood there long enough
that dog’d get up and run
Struck me kinda funny
seem kinda funny sir to me
Still at the end of every hard earned day
people find some reason to believe

— Bruce Springsteen

Cassell Webb’s cover was the first version of this song I heard, and I’ve still got the cadences of that in my head.

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