Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains lyrics that have sometime meant something

Tuesday, 2024-12-14

Beyond belief

So in this almost empty gin palace
Through a two-way looking glass
You see your Alice

You know she has no sense
For all your jealousy
In a sense she still smiles very sweetly

— Elvis Costello

Winamp threw this up when ramdomly walking through ~10 GB of mp3s.

I first heard this song covered by Suzanne Vega in Lund circa 1990, and it made me go out and buy Costello’s Girls Girls Girls double-CD “greatest hits”. Those songs kept me sane during military service a year later, and Beyond Belief was one of the best.

Anyway, the point is that I loved Vega’s cover, but I’ll probably never hear it again. That’s the charm of live performances I guess.

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