Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains links of interest, culled from

Tuesday, 2006-01-31

Links for 2006-01-31

  • Effectively Integrating Into Software Development Teams - Dennis Forbes — “In the artificial world every solution has to be database vendor netural, platform neutral, infinitely vertically and horizontally scalable, immediately multilingual, using n-tier connection pooling via a hierarchy of web services.”. Tags: devel ecommerce management programming.
  • Optimal Software Development Processes and Practices - Dennis Forbes — pragmatic stuff. Tags: devel management productivity programming software.
  • Russell Beattie Notebook » Motorola RAZR V3 Power User’s Guide — who knows, I may have to use this hunk o’ crap in a short while. Tags: howto mobile tutorial.

Grabbed from my links.

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