Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains links of interest, culled from

Friday, 2006-01-06

Links for 2006-01-06

  • Russell Beattie Notebook » Ready, Set, Go! — Y! on the go, Pity I’m living in Googlespace now. Tags: instant-messaging mail mobile webservices yahoo.
  • Unicode-processing issues in Perl and how to cope with it ( — basic stuff you need to know. Tags: encoding howto perl unicode.
  • parent hacks — everything can be hacked, even small kids. Tags: daily kids lifehacks parenting.
  • Rants and Revelations » Quiet is nice — noise cancellation headphone purchase. Tags: audio headphones noise-cancellation.
  • MobileTech: The Nokia 770 — Tarek’s review of the 770. This is a gadget I’d like to have. Tags: mobile nokia nokia-770 review web-tablet.

Grabbed from my links.

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