Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains links of interest, culled from

Thursday, 2005-12-29

Links for 2005-12-29

  • Boing Boing: Mr Jalopy’s love/hate relationship with the Complete New Yorker — good rant about the st00pid copy protection stuff. Tags: drm new-yorker.
  • mp3cat - concatenate MP3 files - — some Perl utils for cutting and merging mp3 files. Tags: mp3 perl unix unix-tools.
  • MP3::Tag - Module for reading tags of MP3 audio files — Perl module for handling id3 tags. Tags: id3 module mp3 perl tags.
  • The Best Digital Cameras — Greenspun on digicams. Tags: camera comparison photo.
  • Digital SLR cameras: Canon Digital Rebel and Nikon D70s — A review. Tags: camera comparison photo review.

Grabbed from my links.

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