Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains links of interest, culled from

Saturday, 2005-11-19

Links for 2005-11-19

  • ACM Queue - Learning from THE WEB — “The Web has taught us many lessons about distributed computing, but some of the most important ones have yet to fully take hold.” Via Jeff Atwood’s blog. Tags: architecture programming read-later web webservices xml.
  • Spolsky: Price as Signal — “Let’s think this through, because I think the recording industry is lying about why they want different prices.”. Tags: apple economics itunes movies music pricing.
  • Code Craft - Full Monty TDD and political correctness — religious unit testing considered harmful. Tags: cargo-cult-programming programming religion tdd test-driven-development unit-testing.

Grabbed from my links.

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