Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains links of interest, culled from

Saturday, 2005-11-12

Links for 2005-11-12

  • Linux wireless info Tags: hardware install linux wireless.
  • Please, sweat the small stuff ~ Authentic Boredom — the guys responsible for work’s fuzzy logo should have read this. Tags: design howto illustration photo photoshop software tutorial web.
  • The Sony Boycott Blog — spreadin’ the meme, man…. Tags: blogs drm media sony.
  • Hacknot - Interview With The Sociopath — let’s hope I don’t have to experience this soon. Tags: interview tech.
  • Microsoft and the Mountain — “The only saving grace for MS at this point is the raw stupidity of their competition.”. Tags: competition devel microsoft software.
  • Diceware Passphrase Home Page — yay for paranoia. Tags: crypto encryption howto passphrase privacy reference.
  • A Photo Begging for a Caption — Göran Persson in a compromising situation with Dubya. Tags: humour out-of-context photo politics.

Grabbed from my links.

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