Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains links of interest, culled from

Wednesday, 2005-11-02

Links for 2005-11-02

  • EFF: Homepage — mostly US stuff, but the legal situation is… murky. Tags: chilling-effects freedom law lawsuits rights.
  • Välkommen till EF-Sverige, front för yttrandefrihet! — not searchable site, will have to hunt around. Tags: chilling-effects lawsuits sweden.
  • Chilling Effects Clearinghouse — US centric too, could be useful none the less. Tags: chilling-effects lawsuits libel reference rights.
  • Högsta domstolens dom i PUL-målet B 293-00, Riksåklagaren mot Börje Ramsbro — very interesting…. Tags: lawsuits pul ramsbrodomen.

Grabbed from my links.

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