Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains links of interest, culled from

Friday, 2005-10-21

Links for 2005-10-21

  • Security for the paranoid | The Register Tags: network read-later security.
  • Joel on Software - Monday, October 17, 2005 Tags: programming read-later software.
  • Squawks of the Parrot: The Parrot post-mortem Tags: parrot people programming read-later.

Grabbed from my links.


Anders Fredriksson wrote at 2005-10-23 08:26:

Har du ett smart s�tt att flytta �ver l�nkar med tags fr�n

Gustaf Erikson wrote at 2005-10-23 12:27:

Jag anv�nder ett litet skript som l�ser av mina l�nkar varje dag. Funkar s�d�r.

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