Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about computing, programming, and development

Tuesday, 2006-03-07

Testing Kubuntu

I decided to try out Kubuntu on my new used laptop. I’ve been using Ubuntu (which uses Gnome) for a while and have grown comfortable with it, but I thought, “how different can it be?”. Answer: pretty different.

I’ve drunk the Gnome/KDE kool-aid, in that I now accept that you hunt around in panels to make stuff work instead of editing text files. I’ve been putting off using either system because I could barely grok what a window manager was, much less a “Desktop Manager”. But by using Ubuntu I could take the plunge all at once, so to speak, without having to assemble the parts myself. Of course, a certain amount of control is lost, but frankly life’s too short to get involved in all the minutae of modern Linux.

Anyway, back to KDE. It’s different enough for me to decide I’ll be sticking with Gnome in the future. (Also, the graphical style reminds me too much of a horrific Delphi app we had to try to maintain back in the day, along with every web app based on PHP I’ve ever seen.) Some apps that I’ve been getting fond of (X-chat and Quod Libet, for example) aren’t “native” KDE apps.

All in all, KDE is interesting, but I still feel Gnome is the better Linux desktop for me.

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