Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about computing, programming, and development

Tuesday, 2005-11-29

Brute force is good, sometimes

I had to try to extract about 12,000 IP addresses from our click database, over a period of one and a half months. The table is famously big[1] (140,000 rows a day) and indexed on the date.

I don’t know what flew in me, but my first attempt was to generate SQL queries for each IP and run that query over the timespan. That’s 12,000 queries at about a minute apiece, in other words 8 days. Plus I couldn’t run it all the time, as it bogged down the database.

Then I found a better way. I took all rows for the timespan and checked if the IP was in a hash. If it was, I kept it, otherwise I just went on to the next one. I can’t believe I was so stupid I tried the first approach at all, and that I’m now blogging about it…

[1] in our system, you probably have much bigger tables.

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