Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category is about weblogging metadiscussions

Saturday, 2005-01-29

Category guilt

Dave Winer writes about the lack of categorization in blogs. I don’t find categorizing my posts that hard, because Blosxom mirrors the filesystem. If I write about computers, I add the file to the com directory. If I write about weblogging, I add it to the comm/weblog directory. If I don’t know where to put it, it goes in the alt directory.

(This mimicking of the Usenet hierarchy seemed a fine idea at the time, but now it’s a brilliant mistake.)

The above points to a drawback of the Blosxom scheme. It’s rather static. Moving posts between categories and renaming existing ones is bothersome (although there are plugins that help).

Anyway, you can categorize if you really want, and the fad for tags (in Flickr, Technorati et. al.) is an extension of this. Categories are fluid and instant. The category space is flat. Things coalesce out of it — some tags make sense, others don’t. I’d really love tags in Blosxom.

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