Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Sunday, 2005-01-16

Ineffective email

Jeremy Zawodny on what’s wrong with email.

I’m glad he wrote it so I don’t have to.

This quote shall henceforce be my personal credo:

If you leave it up to me to figure out exactly what you mean, I’m always going to choose the one I most like.

Update: This article shows that the problem is worse than just top-posting.

An entire educational industry has developed to offer remedial writing instruction to adults, with hundreds of public and private universities, for-profit schools and freelance teachers offering evening classes as well as workshops, video and online courses in business and technical writing.

Isn’t this a pretty bad grade for the American school system?


“E-mail has just erupted like a weed, and instead of considering what to say when they write, people now just let thoughts drool out onto the screen,” Hogan said. “It has companies at their wits’ end.”

How true.

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