Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about books and reading

Tuesday, 2024-12-07

Jack Womack

Gibson writes about Jack Womack, including this classic qoute, so appropriate for these gloomy times:

On the wall was stencilled the Army’s most enforceable antiterror edict:


— from Ambient

The “Army” above is the Home Army, primarily employed in waging war on Long Island and keeping New York safe for capitalism. The world is ruled by the megacorporation Dryco… named in 1987, long before Tyco became a household name for financial skulduggery.

The only real difference from the “USA” of Womack’s future and Bush’s America is that there is no Christianity anymore. The “Q scrolls” exposed Jesus Christ as a naive patsy of the Romans. The Americans turned to the next best thing, and the Church of Elvis is the official religion.

I first read Womack in the early nineties. I’ve read Ambient, Terraplane, Heathern, and Elvissey (where agents of the Dryco are sent back in time to kidnap the Messiah). After that I kind of lost the taste for Womack’s dark future. It seems more and more believable every year.

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