Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about everything and nothing, or, in other words, I couldn't be bothered to find a category for them

Wednesday, 2006-01-04

Torg Potter

One of the online comics I regularly read is Sluggy Freelance, an involved amalgam of nerd humour, ghouls, vampires and demons from the Dimension of Pain.

Seeing that I’m on a Harry Potter jag ATM, I thought I’d point to the three parodies of HP in Sluggy: Torg Potter and the Sorceror’s Nuts, Torg Potter and the Chamberpot of Secretions, and Torg Potter and the President from Arkansas.

Although I think the Chamberpot is best, being creepy as well as funny, this Sunday strip from Sorceror’s captures the essence of Sluggy for me.

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