Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about everything and nothing, or, in other words, I couldn't be bothered to find a category for them

Monday, 2005-09-05


It’s 20 past midnight, Monday tomorrow*, what the hell am I still doing up? Especially as I’ve hit reload on Bloglines too many times already, there’s still isn’t anything new to read.

Random notes:

  • The cover of Zevon’s Keep Me in Your Heart with Jose Calderón and Jennifer Warnes rocks
  • I’ve already got a CD’s worth of email in my Gmail account
  • It should be easy to implement a “latest referrers” feature for this weblog, in the proverbial 3 lines of Perl — if I could be arsed to figure out a regexp for the Apache logs
  • Some sort of interface for these kinds of “random notes” would be cool: updateable via mobile phone?
  • Schneier critiques Hogwarts security. Whatever next? For what it’s worth, I reckon Sauron made a fundamental mistake in investing all his power in a single, easy-to-lose item.

* Actually, it’s already Monday. The horror.

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