Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about everything and nothing, or, in other words, I couldn't be bothered to find a category for them

Wednesday, 2005-07-27

Kitchen renovation, days 1 to 7

Time to detail what we’ve been doing with the kitchen the last week.

  • Removed a large part of the wall separating it from the dining room. This wall was perhaps not structural, but it supported a wall above it consisting of 1x3” planks, horisontal planking, reeds and a whole lot of plaster. So we installed a 1x5” beam to hold it up.

  • Ripped out all the old kitchen furnishings — we’re keeping the fridge and the dishwasher.

  • Removed the old laminate floor, laid a new subfloor consisting of board, and we’re installing a new laminate floor with tile pattern.


  • Finish the floor

  • Install the new furnishings: sink, dishwasher cabinet, and oven/hob.

  • Board up the wall between the kitchen and the old hall.


  • Removing walls is hard — probably should have got a professional to do it. Also, plaster is a bitch to remove.

  • Tiling patterns use up more of the planks than a wood pattern does. Also, you have to be more careful where you start.

Pics will be up as soon as I can remove them from the phone.

Update: I would have finished the floor today, if the blade to the electric jigsaw hadn’t snapped while sawing the last effing plank… and did I think to pick up a new one when I was at the hardware store today? Noooo.

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