Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about everything and nothing, or, in other words, I couldn't be bothered to find a category for them

Wednesday, 2006-02-01

Four things

Tagged by Frank.

Four jobs I’ve had

  • Shop worker at a small company that made packing machines
  • Bank clerk
  • Software contractor
  • Support specialist

FourOne movie I can watch over and over

  • Metropolitan

(this was harder than I thought, I don’t often re-watch movies)

Four places I’ve lived

  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Halmstad, Sweden
  • Lund, Sweden
  • Stockholm, Sweden

Four TV shows I love, or have loved

  • Star Trek: The New Generation
  • Simpsons
  • Futurama
  • Friends

(Gah, that was predictable…)

Four places I’ve vacationed

  • Paris, France
  • Aegina, Greece
  • Vilshärad, a small summer village on Sweden’s West coast
  • Åland

Four of my favourite dishes

  • Pytt i panna
  • Fried rice
  • Skånegås
  • That dish with fried potatoes we used to eat in Lund each Friday

Four sites I visit daily

  • Bloglines
  • Gmail
  • Sluggy Freelance
  • The Register

Four places I’d rather be right now

  • In bed on a Friday night (no work next morning)
  • On a sunny beach with my wife
  • At an Aimee Mann concert
  • In an alternate reality where David is still alive

Four bloggers I’m tagging

  • Matt
  • Russ
  • Petter
  • Tarek

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