Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about everything and nothing, or, in other words, I couldn't be bothered to find a category for them

Saturday, 2006-02-11

A bit more hope

Many of my age are quite knowledgeable about the the global challenges that lie ahead of us. My generation, born in the 70s, grew up with a fundamental environmental awareness, Many of us have travelled the world and seen the gaps between rich and poor. Yet so few with knowledge and talent really put their potential to use for these issues.

I think that doubt is a paralysing obstacle — doubt that we can achieve results in these areas, doubt that small-scale action can have large scale impact. When the difficulties are immense and no solutions are in reach, it’s easier just to ignore the threats.

To mobilize much talent, I wish that there was more belief that the big, complex challenges of today really can be solved. A bit more hope and some courage could do wonders.

— David Sjögren

Original version from Visions from the Present, Compositions and Contributions from participants of the Tällberg Forum 2005, published by the Tällberg Foundation, Stockholm 2006.

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