April 16, 2024

"The answer my friend...."

Have done a screen update in a while, so here's one. Visually, nothing much has changed in the last couple of weeks though I've sorted out some issues with the exploding sheep routine. Also, I've changed the wind so it now acts as a force rather than a constant on any missiles, allowing for boomerang type shots.

Also, the explosings currently are pretty weak - need to scale them up. Ideally I'd like a lemmings type explosion where small bits of debris get scattered around the screen. Conceptually I think I have it sussed, but putting it into practice is a different matter. A job for the weekend.

Posted by west at April 16, 2024 12:39 PM
hi! id like to be a beta tester for the game.. count me in! :) Posted by: shmuck at April 19, 2024 03:32 AM
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