March 18, 2003

All Work and No Play

Here we are half 1 in the morning and after 2 hours of buggering about with the code in the CSS file and the Index this blog is starting to look reasonable. Although I fully intend to carry on editing and improving (adding more gfx when I have the free time) there are certain things I can't improve, the main one being that it looks crap in windoze. Maybe I'm too used to BeOS and the way text is anti-aliased, but the aliasing in windoze looks so bad I'm ashamed.

I'm still here, 5 hours of work to go until I can go home so I'll carry on editing this until my shift is up. Here's hoping it looks good by the end of it. Oooh work, off I go.

Posted by Switchblade at March 18, 2003 05:38 AM
Why are the "Continue reading" not working? Posted by: MaleBuffy on March 19, 2003 03:11 AM
I don't know it seems half of my blogs have gone missing, any suggestions anyone. I think I found a bug! Posted by: SwitchBlade on March 19, 2003 09:34 AM
The 'local archive' path had been reset in the Blog Configuration. Fixed now! Posted by: Big Bad Admin Ewan on March 19, 2003 10:56 AM
Main page looks a bit funny in Phoenix browser. Just some CSS differences I think... maybe a phoenix bug. Gotta check my page with this too. But on Opera this looks nice. Posted by: JyriK on March 19, 2003 06:45 PM
Jyrik, it goes a bit funky in Mozilla too at times. But as I use mozilla more if it looks ok there I'm not too bothered. Should check in Opera really, but too lazy to install it. Posted by: SwitchBlade on March 19, 2003 11:29 PM
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