March 17, 2003

Latenight ramblings...

Stuck at work, bored stiff, and nowt to do, it's blogging time....

First off, the war, what's it all about hey? Saddam Hussein, Oil, or protecting the innocent people of Iraq. Well the truth is now out and it's neither of the latter. Bush has asked Hussein to give himself up and the war will not happen. "Daddy can I finish your war off please?"

Tony Blair earlier this year boasted of targets to hit this year to decrease the amount of asylum seekers we get, at the same time he's planning a war on Iraq... now where does he think that these asylum seekers are coming from?

According to the "accident group" if you have an accident that can be blamed on someone else (seemingly no matter how loosely blamed) you can claim. Taking that one step further, if I stub my toe walking down the street causing me to drop my mobile, can I sue the council if the concrete breaks my phone? Or should I claim off the contractor who laid the concrete in the first place. In today's blame filled society the world would be a better place made out of sponge.

And if made out of sponge, Saddam Hussein's weapons wouldn't work so Bush couldn't come up with crap excuses to invade. It's a good thing I like sponge cakes I guess.

It's St Patricks day at 23:25 and I'm 1/4 Irish. I'm in France, at work, doing a nightshift. Surely I'm meant to be out getting slightly worse for wear, something is wrong here.

Television, what a load of pap, just watched Tarrant On TV, about the only good thing on through the whole shift, here's hoping something interesting may happen in an hour or 2.

I could write a whole peice on one subject instead of changing aimlessly on each paragraph, but I choose not to as this keeps you on your toes.

And if the world is sponge you could be hit by a car and not geat hurt, that would be very handy.

America is supposedly toning down it's use of oil for an energy resource, but then if they were, why have all oil replacing solutions been bought by American corporate companies and hidden from view. Seems we are forced to be oil dependant so the oil companies (and in turn governments) can make their money. Sounds a bit Conspiracy Theory that.

Which was a crap film, went to the cinema to see it, hell don't think it even came out on video!!! Waste of money and health that was, unlike Lord Of The Rings.

Of which the third book (as a film) couldn't come soon enough, and I hope they make the related books, especially The Hobbit into movies, be good to watch. On the subject of movies, all these good things are due soon, Star Wars 3, Matrix 2&3, LOTR 3, but they still don't seem to have materialised yet.

War American style would kill lots of innocents (mostly as the innocents would fight the invader, much as we would if America invade England, we would fight them on the beaches, and the shore, and protect this Green And Pleasant Land (except the Isle of Sheppey, they can have that). More innocents would die from invasion than at Hussein's hand.

Now that "reality" tv is all the rage, we've had show's like Essex Sluts, Real Footballers Wives, and the Salon I wonder when we will get "Sheppey Scrotes" showing off all the scrotes who live on the Isle Of Sheppey. is the place to be.

Right enough from me for now. I'll save some rambling for later when the boredom meets tiredness and I'm just wanting to sleep and cry "DON'T F*CKING WAKE MEEEEEEEE!"

Posted by Switchblade at March 17, 2003 11:41 PM
Could a post be any more incoherent :D Good job :D Posted by: JyriK on March 19, 2003 06:40 PM
Aii, that's the aim. Posted by: SwitchBlade on March 19, 2003 11:26 PM
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