March 24, 2003

A chunk of life

After feeling awful for the last few days (no definite bug or anything, just been laid low by feeling poorly). I'm starting to feel more like myself, which is good :)

I haven't been able to do much work on AAS, although I have started selling T-Shirts to help support the site. However they aren't selling brilliantly (maybe people are waiting before buying - I hope so!). As it stand I'll actually lose money. However the selling of the T-Shirts was a last minute thing. They got made for various events I'll be attending and for prizes in various competitions that may or may not run. Anyway thy arrive on Thursday and I should get them out to people shortly after that.

I'm also very busy wokring on my dissertation at the moment (on offshore windfarms). Its some fairly complex stuff and that isn't going as well as I hoped it mihgt. Typical eh!

Posted by Rafe at 10:40 PM | Comments (30) | TrackBack

March 20, 2003

Banning PhotoPhones from uploading to the internet

Italy is apparently gearing up to ban or rather place restrictions on Picture Messaging. Basically the gist of the article is that Italy's Data Proetction People are saying that pictures from Mobile Phones can not be published on the Internet without the permission of those in the photo. This has obvious implications for people who upload photos from their phones to the internet either to galleries or to blogs (like I can do).

Posted by Rafe at 09:38 PM | Comments (27) | TrackBack

March 19, 2003

Tiger MMS

Sent via Email

This Orange Multi Media Message was sent wirefree from an Orange MMS phone. If
you would like to reply, please text or phone the sender directly by using the
phone number listed in the senders address. To learn more about Orange's Multi
Media Messaging Service, find us on the Web at

Edit: MMS doesn't work properly yet. This is going to be a problem because it'll vary from operator to operator. However for basic picture it will work. Text is trickier. In anycase most people will use e-mail because it is so much cheaper...

Posted by Rafe at 08:22 PM | Comments (14) | TrackBack

Direct from the P800

Sent via Email
This comes to you from Rafe's P800!

Don't you like crisps! My favourite flavour is as pictured - Salt n Vinegar - Yum!

Posted by Rafe at 07:25 PM | Comments (12) | TrackBack

Another test, you get a load of them when playing...

Sent via Email
OK one final test from the PC before we try from the P800. This ability
to post images via e-mail has obvious implications. I haven't tested it
via MMS (something to do I guess), but I imagine it will work with out
any problems, since that's just one more type of e-mail. OK Let's role!
Oh and I couldn't resist this picture (again eh Muffy?).

Later edit:
Looks like I'm going to have to fiddle a bit more to get line breaks better. Still all in all not bad.

Posted by Rafe at 07:00 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack

Testing Images Via E-mail

Sent via Email
This image has been sent as an attachement via e-mail. This is a test
for interesting possibilities....

Posted by Rafe at 06:53 PM | Comments (10) | TrackBack

March 18, 2003

Message from (number removed) Rafe Blandford

Sent via SMS from P800!

(Extraneous stuff removed)...

Posted by Rafe at 05:45 PM | Comments (19) | TrackBack

March 17, 2003

So on the subject on running sites...

Are the any secret Perl gurus out there? I'm trying to set up a system that will allow you to e-mail content staright to your blog, but its not proving as easy as I'd hoped. If anyone is an expert in this sort of thing let me know.

I got e-mail piped to a script, and indeed working version for text and seperately images, but not together. Trouble is I'm basically just mucking about with someone elses script and dont really know how to correct any problems that arise. E-mail would be cool because it would allow people to post from tehir phone nice and easily.. if it supports photos attached as well.. that would be even better.

Posted by Rafe at 11:16 PM | Comments (14) | TrackBack

Life's been busy...

Ah well life has been a bit recently. Term is now officially over, and I'm just tidying up a few loose ends before cracking of with the dissertation. I'm still not entirely sure what I'm going to put in this blog. Maybe a bit about my persoanl life, but hey how interesting is that? One thing I may focus on is some perosnal views about:

a) The Symbian world in general
b) Running a website
c) Running a website in the Symbian world.

Course this is quite a borad range, and no final decision. But I think some people might be interested in what I'm using on my phone (currently enjoying Strategic Assault for example). Mmmm.. must think more!

Posted by Rafe at 11:11 PM | Comments (12) | TrackBack

March 03, 2003

amd it continues

More work and no blogging. :(

I'll try and get something interesting up soon.

P800 is great :)

Posted by Rafe at 02:18 AM | Comments (13) | TrackBack