March 17, 2003

So on the subject on running sites...

Are the any secret Perl gurus out there? I'm trying to set up a system that will allow you to e-mail content staright to your blog, but its not proving as easy as I'd hoped. If anyone is an expert in this sort of thing let me know.

I got e-mail piped to a script, and indeed working version for text and seperately images, but not together. Trouble is I'm basically just mucking about with someone elses script and dont really know how to correct any problems that arise. E-mail would be cool because it would allow people to post from tehir phone nice and easily.. if it supports photos attached as well.. that would be even better.

Posted by Rafe at March 17, 2003 11:16 PM | TrackBack
That would be really cool. I was looking at Kablog, its an j2me app that should work in 7650 and with it it should be possible to post straight into MT. But that email option would be nicer as it wont waste any precious memory... Kablog can be found here: Posted by: JyriK at March 18, 2003 11:19 AM
If I have a long looksee at it, I can set up Xitami and perl on my BeOS box and see if I can make head or tail of it. I wouldn't do it from scratch but should be able to convert existing code with time. Posted by: SwitchBlade at March 18, 2003 10:34 PM
I have a text only version working, but if you want it set up you need to send me your username and password. Hopefully I'll eventually have an automatic set up to this, but concentrating on getting it working for the moment. Posted by: Rafe at March 18, 2003 11:14 PM
check out and (this one's in finnish, but if you can read sh script, then it should be pretty clear (it's based on the first link's script). If you manage to get something working, please let me know too. I think I'll try to hack something up from these scripts too. Posted by: akisan at March 23, 2003 05:33 PM
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