March 31, 2024

More fixed point library links

Michael Zemlyanukha forwarded some more Fixed Point library links I think I haven't picked up yet:
  • IAppli Fixed Point Math Library
(both open source) He also suggests as a good source of J2ME dev links.
Posted by osfameron at 10:42 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

MicroCalc new version 2.0 using Lisp engine

Michael has commented that MicroCalc 2 is now out:

It's now based on a Lisp engine (very interesting!) This is used for macros, user-functions, the add-on API, and configurable user interface.

Update: I just noticed that Microcalc has been open source for some time. (Taken my eye off the ball a little!) Though MC2 doesn't appear to be (yet?)

There's some discussion about the Lisp engine, including a useful link to Uncommon List.

Posted by osfameron at 09:04 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack