April 23, 2003

Print "<BR>";

Have u ever encountered a problem that took you hours to solve? I certainly have. Read all about it!

I am stil awake at 7:00 in the morning and I just solved a problem with my site. It seemed that I could not make a table appear on the top of the page. I always had some spaces. I tried and tried to debug the code, trying to play with table properties but no, there was a 5 line spacing before everything appeared. It turned out to be a bloody print command in the while loop that I put there for some reason. So this had to be removed. A tiny Print "<BR>"; command was all it took to resolve it. This happens all the time and I am sick of it! Thats all. Goodnight...or goodmorning!

Posted by malebuffy at April 23, 2003 07:01 AM
hehe :) Try coding on a machine that doesn't display php error messages just an empty page :S One ; less and you've got a blank page :D Happy coding ;) Btw if you ever feel like searching hours try finding why http://www.freepoc.org/software.php displays an extra space for every first download :D Posted by: Dazler on April 24, 2003 11:25 AM
No PHP errors? Never! Ever! That could lead to a breakdown of nerves!!! Posted by: MaleBuffy on April 25, 2003 05:56 AM
Well,if it makes feel better,i really overbacked my tost this morning... Posted by: GhostDog on April 25, 2003 05:13 PM
Is there a way to edit or delete a post? :D Posted by: GhostDog on April 25, 2003 05:13 PM
I can.....u cant :D Posted by: MaleBuffy on April 26, 2003 06:55 AM
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