May 24, 2003


Dear Diary :) It has been a long time since my last entry.Well,not much has happened since then.I have been learning OPL and decided that I need a big change in my life style.My behaviour these past years has been quite,well,destructional(Towards me mainly),if it's a word so I will be cooling down a little :) Well,that is it,I hope to have a more cheerful subject next time,like a new P800!

PS: I almost forgot,and this is important,to me at least.I'm thinking of making a small website in Macedonian,that mainly will have links to major Symbian websites(AAS,My-Simbian etc etc)and a small introduction to the OS,programming languages,running devices etc etc.Since I'm not familiar with Website building techniques I'm forced to rely on my brother(He is quite familiar with Macromedia Flash)who is the most irresponsible human being in the galaxy.Wish me luck!! Oh,and suggestions about the domain name are be welcome( :) )

Posted by GhostDog at May 24, 2003 07:00 PM | TrackBack
How about :) I'm in charge of one site in Finland and I've been using wysiwyg web editors. I know the real pros write their html on wordpad, but being a blonde, I prefer easier solutions ;)Good luck with your site. Posted by: LAuRA at May 27, 2003 09:01 PM
Thanks Laura,and don't forget,i was a blonde for 5 years :) Posted by: GhostDog at May 28, 2003 01:08 PM
He he.. I use a WYSWIG editor at tomes too. Sometimes I play with real cose, but generally not for long bits of HTML. GhostDog I like the idea about the macedonian website sounds cool. let me know if you need hosting etc for it :) Ideas fro domain name hmm harder but either something that shows it a Macedonian language site or perhaps a usergroup or something. Posted by: Rafe at May 31, 2003 12:40 PM
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