May 09, 2003

Stupid Vogons!

Dont read books writen by Douglas Adams.In the past month i've been reading the The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy,The Restaurant at the End of the Universe,Life, the Universe, and Everything,So long, and thanks for all the fish and i'm in the middle of Mostly harmless.Maybe this will sound cheesy but i'm starting to look at things from a different perspective,in other words,i'm going mad.My behavior has not passed unnoticed by my friends and relatives,so if you sense my absence in the next days,i'm probably taking a ride on the looney toons train.That mater is settled for now.

In the real world,i'm still having trouble colecting the funds for the p800 i'm about to buy but i hope all will end well.

I've had an idea for a game i'm wery keen on developing in opl,its very simple,should be fun.How does Smack the Admin sound like? :D I'm not revealing any more information because i dont want to jinx it,although this migh have done it.I guess it depends on how superstitious you are.

Posted by GhostDog at May 9, 2003 12:46 PM | TrackBack
can't wait :D Posted by: dazler at May 12, 2003 08:33 AM
Just don't put them in a in a blender... Posted by: Rafe at May 13, 2003 11:14 PM
Just don't put them in a in a blender... Posted by: Rafe at May 13, 2003 11:14 PM
Well,since you've said it twice i wont :D I'm thinking of something like Hamering Harry :D Three types of Hamers,one for each type of Admin Rank,small one for Muffy,j2k,Jyrik and the rest,a middle one,for Dazler,Jordan and Ewan and a really huge one just for Rafe.Sorry if i forgot to mention anyone,i know i did but i hope everyone will make an appearance in the game and i hope you will provide me with some photos of your mugs guys:D There are few i can work with in the Gallery :D Posted by: GhostDog at May 14, 2003 01:25 AM
That sounds like fun :D Posted by: JyriK at May 17, 2003 09:44 PM
So you should know about "42" now! I have the TV series on DVD and read the books years ago and know what you mean about looking at the world from "A Different Perspective"
Also I have heard that there is a possibility of a HGTTG movie being made! :) Posted by: Gadget17 at July 3, 2003 11:07 AM
A movie!!! That would be awesome!!! Well,if they do make a movie,it will be the longest movie ever or it will have thousands of sequels because the book is very detailed and descriptive. Posted by: GhostDog at July 3, 2003 02:40 PM
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