December 22, 2003

Where's Your nearest Mobile Mast?

If for any reason you have ever asked this question, then a site I came across while looking for Amateur Radio info may be of use. The SiteFinder site listed below allows you to see where the Mobile Mast sites are located. It uses a map, which is good, but the detail of the maps isn't great.

Quote from Radiocommunications Agency:- In May 2000, following the publication of the report by the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones, the Government asked the RA to implement two measures relating to mobile phone base stations.

1. To undertake an audit programme measuring emissions from base stations to ensure they do not exceed ICNIRP (International Commission On Non-Ionising Radiation Protection) guideline levels.

2. To provide a web based facility, Sitefinder, containing the location of each operational, externally sited base station in the UK and information specific to each of these base stations.

These web pages have been set up to provide further information on these two measures as well as general information on mobile phone base stations.

Posted by Gadget17 at December 22, 2003 12:38 AM | Symbian/Phone | TrackBack
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