April 30, 2024

You Idiots!!!

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Hey you, mind my Irn-Bru! Yet another reason America is really going downhill in my opinion. Thanks to Martin for the link....

April 28, 2024

It's the Rebels Sir.They're Here.. And They've Got a Flag

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Somewhere there's a book entitled "How to Cock Up An Occupation" and America seems to be following it to the letter. They've now decided that in all the problems of war, of terrorising entire cities with helicopter gunships and snipers that what the Iraqui people really need is... a new...

April 27, 2024

Let Sleeping Sir Humprys Lie

Personal Thoughts and Messages
I'm not a politician, but even I can see there are some things you should never do. You can get away with upsetting the public. You can get away with upsetting your cabinet. Heck you can even get away with having an affair with Edwina Currie (shudder). But the one...

April 25, 2024

28 Week Antenatal Appointment

From Vikki: Had my 28 week antenatal this morning, didn't realise I'd be having a blood sugar test and had chocolate spread on toast before going! Got my wrists smacked by the midwife for that one ;) It's been such a long time since I saw my midwife that I...

April 20, 2024

Grrr... Squatters

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Russ is right. No good, lousey, layabouts. Mobitopia is ours, what are you smoking? This is where the typo Mobilopia should point to....

Snooker's Back

Personal Thoughts and Messages
With all the technical advances in Fun-1, it's nice to get back to a man vs man sport like Snooker. Sorry. It's not dull and boring. It's tactical (in a nice way), it's a sport where your mistakes are measured visibly, and it has the cruel fascination of watching someone...

April 19, 2024

Interview With Nokia's Ilkka Raiskinen

Pocket Computers and Phones
Lot's of short and sweet entries pointing you to other places at the moment. Anway, I've just posted an interview that Jim Hughes and I did with Ilkka Raiskinen on Nokia. He's in charge of the N-Gage / Gaming brand inside Nokia. Apart from the fact that I'm really happy...

April 17, 2024

My N-Gage Coverage

Pocket Computers and Phones
Keeping track of what I've written about the N-Gage QD? Here we go, in case you missed any: N-Gage QD Specs and Features. First Thoughts on the N-Gage QD. 30 Minutes with the N-Gage QD. What Does QD Really Stand For? Revealing Nokia's Strategy....

#JoiItio Channel Meet in London

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Looks like there's going to be a rather massive meet in London with the #joiito IRC channel. Details and 'add yourself to the guestlist' can be found here....

April 15, 2024

N-Gage QD - Another Classic Nokia Slide

Pocket Computers and Phones
The in-depth article on the N-Gage QD is over at All About N-Gage, but my blog thought is a simple one. Why is it every Nokia event needs a trippy slide? At the N-Gage QD launch, the above masterpiece was on show. It illustrates (and brace yourself) the DNA...

April 14, 2024

N-Gage-A-Go-Go (take 2)

Pocket Computers and Phones
After a long night, almost all the N-Gage 2 (sorry, N-Gage QD) info is available on All About N-Gage. I'm off to the Press Launch, all my thoughts will be blogged here and there afterwards. Stay tuned....

April 13, 2024

No More Allergy

From Vikki: Eilidh is now officially free of her wheat allergy! :D She's also evening out a bit in height/weight. In December she was 25lb (91st centile) and 74cm (9th centile) - she's now 26lb (75th centile) and 84cm (50th centile) so I'm pleased about that. The dietician was a...

April 12, 2024

I'm in Shock and Awe at Knoppix

Personal Thoughts and Messages
There are going to be a whole load of Tech Heads out there who are pointing and laughing at the screen now, but I've just stumbled over Knoppix, and I have to say I'm impressed, and it's already got me seriously thinking about what OS will go in a second...

April 10, 2024

N-Gage 2 Comparison Checklist

Pocket Computers and Phones
Jim and I are going to a mystery Nokia Press Event on Wednesday 14th. No idea what it is (sic) but when you're asked to reply to [email protected] it's a bit of a giveaway that it's the soon to be launched N-Gage 2. Jim's wishlist for the N-Gage 2 is...

Not Con 04 Taking Submissions

UK Technology Conference
Fix this date for your Diary - Sunday June 6th, 11am at Imperial College Union, London. This is the confirmed, booked, and not changing date for Not Con 4 - "Definitely NOT the Emerging Technology conference in the UK" as NTK puts it. Visit www.notcon04.com for more details and how...

April 09, 2024

The N-Gage is a Success... Really

Pocket Computers and Phones
I've posted two more articles on Gaming Headlines. The first is a short featurette about the N-Gage and why the networks are going to keep pushing the ARPU driving machine at you. The second is a review of the MMC Game Card Keychain Holder....

April 08, 2024

Vexed UIQ Quick Progress Update

Finally cracked the menu bug - now when you tap the UIQ menu, it actually shows the menu and performs the action. The beta build of this is now in the hads of the playtesters, and hopefully I'll get their reports back, polish it over the Easter weekend and relase...

April 04, 2024

C is for Crow

Vikki got some great wrapping paper for under a pound at the weekend. One of the sheets was an A to Z, which is now happily on Eilidh's bedroom door (and jpeg'ed to the left of this entry). For some strange reason she's not happy with a certain letter, but...

April 02, 2024

Just Read This, It's Important

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Canadians understand......

The Tariff of the Gods

Pocket Computers and Phones
Let me tell you about my mobile phone tariff. It costs me 50p per day (so that's roughly £15 per month, what looks to be the starting basic price for most monthly tarrifs in the UK). For that 50p, I get 50 minutes. Every day. And once I run out...