October 31, 2003

Part Two of Ewan's Visit to Nice

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Continuin on from yesterday's entry, here's what I got up to on Tuesday at Nokia's Series 60 Community Awards in Nice....

October 30, 2003

Was it Nice in Nice?

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Yes, I'm back from the Series 60 Community Awards (where AAS didn't win) but the whole event was definitly somehting that Rafe and I had to go to. Just being able to meet face to face a lot of the companies and people we've been emailing will help AAS in...

October 26, 2003

It's Nice This Time Of Year

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Well, the South Coast of France is. I'm off for a few days to Nice (which will be nice) to attend Nokia's Series 60 Platform Awards. All About Symbian has been nominated (along with The Register, My Symbian and Infosync) for the "Series 60 Evangelist Award." Will have a nice...

October 25, 2003

I'm Ready For My Close-Up

From Vikki For those who don't know, Eilidh landed herself a wee job on Wednesday being a one year-old for a Basingstoke shopping centre's first birthday publicity bash thingy. We had a long day, leaving the house at 6.45am to get to Basingstoke for 9.30am. Eilidh took a real shine...

October 22, 2003

It's All Gone a Bit Quiet?

Pocket Computers and Phones
No, not really, just not been posting here, or on the boards. A few nice things are coming to the boil in the background. OPL first, and it finnally looks like there is a clear path forward. It all started with this rant from Russ Beattie on his Blog -...

October 08, 2003


Pocket Computers and Phones
I've never hidden my thoughts on the situation for Developers using the Symbian OS. Looking at the website offerings from PalmSource and Microsoft's Pocket PC, they offer easy paths in getting started on their systems, links to tools, papers, example codes and everything else you'd expect....

October 07, 2003

I'm Feeling Evil

Exceptionally evil. Got yourself an N-Gage? Then you need a simple looking puzzle game. But if you already have Vexed on your Series 60 phones,it's time to grab the First Variety Level Pack Patch!...

October 06, 2003

"Russian Roulette" Watch

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Now that was tension. Last night on Channel 4 saw Derren Brown play Russian Roulette with a live bullet. Suprisingly, he survived. Vikki was really unsure about the program and what he was doing, but given that he showed the whole 'How I recruited the Bullet Loader' and how he...

October 01, 2003

Munich and Oktoberfest

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Right I'm back. Wow, that was fun. Having never been to Germany before (or abroad since I was 11 and went on holiday to Minorca) the whole thing was just so different. The centre of Munich didn't look that much different ot the centre of any other city, but small...