October 25, 2003

I'm Ready For My Close-Up

From Vikki

For those who don't know, Eilidh landed herself a wee job on Wednesday being a one year-old for a Basingstoke shopping centre's first birthday publicity bash thingy. We had a long day, leaving the house at 6.45am to get to Basingstoke for 9.30am. Eilidh took a real shine to one of the centre managers, who was equally taken with her. The poor woman ended up carrying Eilidh around several times, but both of them seemed happy :) So she (carried by me - I wasn't intending being in shot!) has been photographed by a couple of local papers and filmed by Meridian television. The PR company said they'll send me the press cuttings. Should be interesting :)

My Dad's here for a visit just now, he arrived yesterday. Right now he's in the kitchen with Eilidh telling her all about the pakora he's making. It's nice to have a bit of peace ;) My brother's arriving tomorrow evening for the week (it's his school holidays) so the house is going to be quite full!! I think we'll be out and about lots though, so that'll be good. Ewan's in the south of France on Monday and Tuesday at a business conference, so I'm glad I'm not home alone then too.

Eilidh's having a great time just now, she's really chatty, but also quite naughty now. She's doing things she'd learnt she wasn't allowed to do, and being very persistant about it! Oh, my waning patience...

Anyway, better go and see what they're getting up to. The latest pictures are here and here.

Posted by Ewan at October 25, 2003 11:24 AM
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