May 09, 2005

TPN Rock: The Rock Show. Podcasting Continues To Grow

Another week, another podcast from me. As usual, TPN Rock: The Rock Show is over at The Podcast Network. Thirty minutes of unsigned, unknown and under-apreciated Rock music acts you probably haven't heard of before... of course that entire sentence is me engaging the Marketing Macro sectio of my brain.

The amount of music out there that isn't on the big labels is astonishing. In a good way. I reckon that finding a quarter of a million tracks would simply be a matter of bandwidth to download and listen to. Sites like Garage Band, Pure Volume and MySpace are natural hosting homes for these bands. The Rock
Show represents the highlights of my random trawlings through these sites, in
the form of a thirty minute Radio show.

The prolems of the TPN Rock are probably one of promotion. Getting people to the site so they download the show, or subscribe to the RSS feed with the enclosure. So everyone who's reading this, I'd appreciate you going and grabbing one of the shows for on you desktop at work, or your MP3 while travelling, and if you like it, post a link on your blog? Let's see if this meme idea actualy works.

Posted by Ewan at May 9, 2005 09:02 PM | TrackBack
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